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Nemanja Antonic is currently a PhD student at the Namur Institute for Complex Systems (Naxys) within the European BABots project ( He completed both the Bachelor's and the Master's Degree in computer science and engineering at Politecnico di Milano. He worked on his Master's thesis at the IRIDIA laboratory at the Université Libre de Bruxelles through the Free Mover program between January and July of 2023, focusing on the mathematical modelling of robust heterogeneous robotic swarms. Between January and June 2022, he joined an Erasmus exchange program with the Mälardalens University in Sweden, where he worked on projects mainly related to AI such as: the design of a mancala player through the MinMax algorithm, the solution of the TSP with both the genetic algorithm and the ACO and the design of a backward-propagation neural network from scratch. During his Bachelor's, he worked on a set of projects which included: the development of a text editor in C, the design of a multiplayer videogame in Java and the development of a website for the researchers at Politecnico di Milano.
