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Davide GUASTELLA is a postdoctoral researcher at the Machine Learning Group, Université Libre de Bruxelles. His current research focuses on traffic modeling and simulation, participatory sensing, and data analysis to support decision-making processes for improving traffic efficiency. Previously, Davide was a research assistant at the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) where he worked on emergency management and self-adaptive workflow management systems. Davide obtained his PhD from the University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, where he carried out research on cooperative multi-agent systems and their application in the smart city to optimize energy consumption in large-scale contexts through continuous, non-invasive monitoring of the environment.

Research Topic / Interests : Design and development of a framework for monitoring and analysis of traffic data at the scale of a large city, with Brussels as a typical use case. The project goal will output new, groundbreaking solutions for energy- and privacy-aware traffic monitoring in the area of Brussels.

ARIAC Work Package : WP3 - integration of models and AI: theory-guided/physic-guided AI, digital twins, simulated data & reinforcement learning, simulation-based inference, ML for optimization, optimization for ML

